Here you will find the collection of brother sister love quotes, inspirational, wise, and humorous quotes about the brother sister. The collection of Brother Sister Love quotes sayings, and brother sister love quotes proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.
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Brother Sister Love Quotes
To My Sister:
If you ever need a shoulder to cry on,
I am here for you,
If you ever need someone to laugh and share memories with,
I am here for you,
If you ever just want someone there without ever saying a word,
I am here for You,
Because in the truth of it all,
I will one day need you for those very same things,
and you know why it would be easy,
because dear sister of mine,
We’re family,
I love You.
Happy Rakshabandhan !!
Yesterday I scared away the monsters,
Today, I hold your hand and teach you,
Tomorrow we’ll laugh and play all day.
But no matter what I will always love you.
I am Big Brother, Your Friend
Your real life Superhero.
Happy Brother Day!!
Brother to his Sister:
It leaves a smile on my face when,
I think of those trifling fight we had
and suddenly used to make up…
The memories may fade away
with passing time but the love
we share will only grow.
There’s no other love like the love for a brother.
There’s no other love like the love from a brother.
Our paths may change as life goes along.
but the bond between us remains ever strong.
I Miss You Brother…
May God Bless Every Day of Your Life with A Ray of Sun,
A Touch of Hope,
A Glint of Joy and
A Drop of Love.
Happy Birthday Brother.
“If I could give you one thing in life,
I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes,
only them would you realize How Special You Are To Me.
Bro, don’t measure my worth by the money I earn.
Oh shut up little sister, you earn absolutely nothing.
I pay for everything from your hair clip to shoes.
Bro, you just crossed the limit. I have self-respect, okay.
Here, take 2000, no go and bring me coffee, stupid.
Hot or cold? And I am doing if for love, not money, Okay?
Just run, before I take the money back, idiot.
“A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.”
Brother and sister, together as friends,
Ready to face whatever life sends,
Joy and laughter or tears and strife,
Holding hands tightly as we dance through life.
Sister, please hold my hand
Because without you I can’t stand
For we were put on this earth for a reason
To go through every good and bad season…
you were there for me,
you protected me, and most of all,
you loved me.
We’d fight, scream, and argue,
but, under it all, is a love.
That only exists,
in a brother, and a sister.
I can’t promise to solve all your
problems but I can promise you won’t have to face them alone.
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