EDV 2019 Completing Frequently Asked Questions Complete Your EDV 2019 electronic diversity visa form with confident. You might arise many question that can cause you problem while filling the form. So, we have gather some of the frequently asked question related to the submitting form. You can check it out and filled out the form and complete it with more confidence. Here are the EDV 2019 completing frequently asked questions 2018.
- When can I submit my entry?
The DV-2019 entry period will run from 12:00 pm (noon), Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Tuesday, October 3, 2017, until 12:00 pm (noon), Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5), Tuesday, November 7, 2017. Each year, millions of people submit entries. Holding the entry period on these dates ensures selectees receive notification in a timely manner, and gives both the visa applicants and our embassies and consulates time to prepare and complete cases for visa issuance.
We strongly encourage you to enter early during the registration period. Excessive demand at end of the registration period may slow the system down. We cannot accept entries after noon EST on Tuesday, November 7, 2017.
2. I am in the United States. Can I enter the DV program?
Yes, an entrant may apply while in the United States or another country. An entrant may submit an entry from any location.
3. Can I only enter once during the registration period?
Yes, the law allows only one entry by or for each person during each registration period. The Department of State uses sophisticated technology to detect multiple entries. Individuals with more than one entry will be disqualified.
4. May my spouse and I each submit a separate entry?
Yes, each spouse may each submit one entry if each meets the eligibility requirements. If either spouse is selected, the other is entitled to apply as a derivative dependent.
5. What family members must I include in my DV entry?
Spouse: If you are legally married, you must list your spouse regardless of whether he/she lives with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. You must list your spouse even if you currently are separated from him/her, unless you are legally separated. Legal separation is an arrangement when a couple remain married but live apart, following a court order. If you and your spouse are legally separated, your spouse will not be able to immigrate with you through the Diversity Visa program.
You will not be penalized if you choose to enter the name of a spouse from whom you are legally separated. If you are not legally separated Read Full Article
6. Must I submit my own entry, or can someone else do it for me?
We encourage you to prepare and submit your own entry, but you may have someone submit the entry for you. Regardless of whether you submit your own entry, or an attorney, friend, relative, or someone else submits it on your behalf, only one entry may be submitted in your name. You, as the entrant, are responsible for ensuring that information in the entry is correct and complete; entries that are not correct or complete may be disqualified. Entrants should keep their own confirmation number so that they are able to independently check the status of their entry using Entrant Status Check at dvlottery.state.gov. Entrants should retain access to the email account used in the E-DV submission.
7. I’m already registered for an immigrant visa in another category. Can I still apply for the DV program?
8. When will E-DV be available online?
You can enter online during the registration period beginning at 12:00 pm (noon) Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4) on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, and ending at 12:00 pm (noon) Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5) on Tuesday, November 7, 2017.
9. Can I download and save the E-DV entry form into a word processing program and finish it later?
No, you will not be able to save the form into another program for completion and submission later. The E-DV Entry Form is a web-form only. You must fill in the information and submit it while online.
10. Can I save the form online and finish it later?
No. The E-DV Entry Form is designed to be completed and submitted at one time. You will have 60 minutes starting from when you download the form to complete and submit your entry through the E-DV website. If you exceed the 60-minute limit and have not submitted your complete entry electronically, the system discards any information already entered. The system deletes any partial entries so that they are not accidentally identified as duplicates of a later, complete entry. Read the DV instructions completely before you start to complete
the form online, so that you know exactly what information you will need.
11. I don’t have a scanner. Can I send photographs to someone in the United States to scan them, save them, and email them back to me so I can use them in my entry?
Yes, as long as the photograph meets the requirements in the instructions and is electronically submitted with, and at the same time as, the E-DV online entry. You must already have the scanned photograph file when you submit the entry online; it cannot be submitted separately from the online application. The entire entry (photograph and application together) can be submitted electronically from the United States or from overseas.
12. According to the procedures, the system will reject my E-DV Entry Form if my photos don’t meet the specifications. Can I resubmit my entry?
Yes, as long as your submission is completed by 12:00 pm (noon) Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5) on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. If your photo(s) did not meet the specifications, the E-DV website will not accept your entry, so you will not receive a confirmation notice. However, given the unpredictable nature of the Internet, you may not receive the rejection notice immediately. If you can correct the photo(s) and resend the Form Part One or Two within 60 minutes, you may be able to successfully submit the entry.
Otherwise, you will have to restart the entire entry process. You can try to submit an application as many times as is necessary until a complete application is received and the confirmation notice sent. Once you receive a confirmation notice, your entry is complete, and you should NOT submit any additional entries.
13. How soon after I submit my entry will I receive the electronic confirmation notice?
You should receive the confirmation notice immediately, including a confirmation number that you must record and keep. However, the unpredictable nature of the Internet can result in delays. You can hit the “Submit” button as many times as is necessary until a complete application is sent and you receive the confirmation notice. However, once you receive a confirmation notice, do not resubmit your information.
14. I hit the “Submit” button, but did not receive a confirmation number. If I submit another entry, will I be disqualified?
If you did not receive a confirmation number, your entry was not recorded. You must submit another entry. It will not be counted as a duplicate. Once you receive a confirmation number, do not resubmit your information.
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