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Happy New Year Messages…… Sometimes, some feelings you get are so special that you can’t miss it. I know you love someone or crushed to someone. While reading the following messages about happy new year.
if you remember your loved one you can copy or type and sent it to your loved one. Happy new year messages are the messages to love one, family, friends and more…
New Year SMS Status Quotes
A new year is about to begin,
So, I want to thank all my friends and family
Who made a great contribution in my life
To make me happy, when I was sad for a while
Who made my life better, this year!
Thank You All with New Year cheers
!! Wishing a very happy new year to you. !!
Happy New Year Prayer!!
Thank you Lord for giving me
The brand new year ahead
Help me live the way I should
As each new day, I tread.
Give me gentle wisdom
That I might help a friend
Give me strength and courage
So, a shoulder I might lend.
The year ahead is empty
Help me fill it with good things
Each new day filled with joy
And the happiness it brings.
May the New Year give you
N: New Hopes with an
E: Early Start to
W: Work
Y: Yielding
E: Enormous
A: Assets and
R: Returns!
Seasons’ greetings and best wishes for a New Year!
Every end is just a new beginning.
Keep your spirits and determination unshaken and
you shall always walk the glory road.
With courage, faith and efforts you shall
conquer everything you desire.
I wish you a very happy new year !!
Let this New Year be
filled with happiness,
joy and prosperity for
you and all your loved
ones. Happy New Year.
Wish you Have a great year ahead.
Happy New Year
If it didn’t bring you joy
just leave it behind
Let’s ring in the new year
with good things in mind
Let every bad memory
that brought heartache and pain
And let’s turn a new leaf
with the smell of new rain
Let’s forget past mistakes
making amends for this year
Sending you these greetings
to bring you hope and cheer
Nepali New Year SMS 2020
May the New Year give you the strength to face the challenges of life
courage to adjust the sail so as to take every situation to your stride.
New Year’s is the perfect occasion to celebrate love, friendships and all the good things in life. Let’s take the time to appreciate what this year has given us and what the new one is about to bring!
It isn’t only a new year; it is a new chance for everyone to restart!
Wish you a very Happy New Year!
Best wishes to my beloved friend for an amazing year ahead.
May the sunshine of happiness always shine above you.
May the dove of peace rest over you and live in your home.
May the dense forest of love surround you all year round.
May you have a lovely New Year.
Happy New Year Gifts
Every end marks a new beginning.
Keep your spirits and determination unshaken,
And you shall always walk the glory road.
With courage, faith and great effort,
you shall achieve everything you desire.
I wish you a very Happy New Year.
The countdown has begun and it is the time to welcome the New year with a fresh mind and
heart. Have a rocking
May the New Year bring joy, peace and happiness to you and your entire family…..
may the spirit of the season of new year ill your heart with serenity and
Oh my Dear, forgot your fear, let all your dreams be clear, never put tear, please hear, I want to
tell one thing in your ear…have a jolly good new year!
May every day of the new year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family…
Happy New Year Messages in Nepali and English
May this new year give you the courage to triumph v=over your vices and embrace the virtue….
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishes for friends and family members
A new year is like a blank book the pen is in your hands its your chance to write a beautiful story
for yourself…
Its time to start the new year. Lets chill some champagne, whip up some party food and start
dancing the year away.
A new year filled with bright beautiful wishes for those who looks beyond the horizon….
Happy New Year 2020 Wishes & Messages in Nepali
Let the forthcoming year bring you the most beautiful and exciting things in life!….
Be the one who could sail through stormy waters and offer light on dark roads
My wishes for you,
great start for Jan,
love for Feb,
peace for the march,
no worries for April,
for may,
joy for June to Nov,
happiness for Dec………
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year ……………
With friends around you, New year celebrations always turn out more exciting.. ………