Tihar Ko Subhakamana | Best Nepali Tihar Wishes | BhaiTika Special SMS

Tihar Ko Subhakamana May This Diwali be as bright as ever. May lights triumph over darkness. May the spirit of light illuminate the world. May this Diwali bring joy, health and wealth to you.Happy Diwali….

Latest Tihar Ko Subhakamana, BhaiTika Tihar Special SMS, Special Tihar Festival SMS, BhaiTika Best Blessing Special SMS, English Tihar SMS |Tihar Blessing For Sister, Tihar Ko SubhaKamana SMS, Nepali Font Deepawali SMS

Latest Tihar Ko Subhakamana

शुभकामना ! शुभकामना !! शुभकामना ! शुभकामना ! शुभकामना !! शुभकामना !!! दिर्घ, शान्ति र चएन सुखले छाओस परिवार जनमा सधै सधै सुख शान्ति रहोस । हरपल हरक्षण परिवार एकैसाथ रहुन नटूटॉस, नछुटॉस माया र ममता सधैलाई । कहिले महसुस नहोस एक्लोपन मनमा माया छ जहा त्यहि छ जीवन ।यही छ मेरो तपाईंलाई तिहारको शुभकामना!!!

बिहानी उज्यालोलाई पर्खन्दै अन्धेरी रातमा रुमलिये पनि, झरनालाई नियालेर तिर्खाईमा तड्पिए पनि, साहसको बाटो परिवर्तन नहोस् यात्रा निरन्तार चलिरहोस हुरिबतासको लहर जति नै बेगले चले पनि, कर्मको दियो आटुट बलिरहोसयहि छ मेरो भावना, Shubha Deepawali ko हार्दिक मङ्गलमय शुभकामना! शुभकामना!! शुभकामना!!!

दिप जस्तो चम्किरहोस् तपाईंको जीवन कहिल्यै पिडाले खिन्न नहोस् त्यो मन…… सधैं भित्रियोस मुरीका मुरी तपाईंको घरमा धन…… सुनौलो विहानीको होस् आगमन लक्ष्मीको होस् सधैं तपाईंको घरमा बास……सधैं छाहिरहो तपाईंको मुहरमा उज्यालो प्रकाश यही छ मेरो तपाईंलाई तिहारको शुभकामना

Latest Tihar Ko Subhakamana

मनभरी सयपत्री, तन्भरी मखमली, जीवन बनोस गोदावरी, फुल फुलोस ओरिपरी !!!! कस्तो छ नी आजभोली ? सुभ बनोस दीपावली रंगीन हुन् जीवनका पानाहरु, पुरा हुन मनका चाहनाहरु, मिलिरहुन सदैब हास्ने बहानाहरु, सजिउन ओठमा मुस्कानका गहनाहरु !! दिपावलीको शुभकामना

Best wishes on Diwali. May millions and millions of lamps illuminate your life with happiness, health, joy, wealth, success and prosperity for years to come. May you are always blessed by the almighty.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous Diwali my dear sister. May you are blessed with happiness and success all your life. Have a wonderful Diwali with lots of fun, entertainment and frolic.

With gleam of Diyas 
And the Echo of the Chants 
May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your life 
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!

Let every joy ask LIGHT from u, 
Let every LIGHT ask LIFE from U, 
Let ur life b filled with immense LIGHT that even the sun ask LIGHT from U. 

As the candlelight flame 
Ur life may always be happy, 
As the mountain high 
U move without shy, 
As sunshine creates morning glory 
Fragrance fills years as Flory, 
All darkness is far away 
As light is on its way. 
Wishing U a very Happy Diwali

latest Tihar Ko Subhakamana May This Diwali be as bright as ever. May lights triumph over darkness. May the spirit of light illuminate the world. May this Diwali bring joy, health and wealth to you.Happy Diwali….

Tihar Ko SubhaKamana SMS

It is time to feel good, time for reunion,time to share happiness, time to feel being loved,time to show your love, time to live for others and time to wish for peace. HAPPY TIHAR!!

This is a special time when family and friends get together for fun. Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days, in this festive season of Deepawali and always. Happy Deepawali

May the beauty of deepawali season fill your home with happiness, and may the coming year provide you with all that bring you joy!

Hope your days ahead are beautiful and your year is full of peace and happiness.May every dream you are dreaming, every hope and plan come true. May happiness surround you in everything you do. Happy Dipawali!!

Take whole 365 days, remove all hatred, anger and jealousy. Mix into each day hope, faith and deed. Pour into vessel of love, warm it over radiant joy and serve it with smile. You are bound to have a wonderful Tihar!!

Sharing is caring, so let’s enjoy: 100% cash dividend, 100% right share, 100% bonus share. Wish you all a shareful Tihar.

English Tihar SMS |Tihar Blessing For Sister

May this Tihar come in our life as the success, painless life, hassle free journey and life full of happiness. Happy Tihar to all my friends.

Near or far wherever you are, My best wishes are with you,May success & joy be yours everyday, Happy Tihar.

May the holiday season bring you the gift of time, 
time to reflect on the splendor of nature. 
Time to share with family and friends. 
Time to discover the spirit of Dashain in everywhere. Happy Tihar!! 

A Cup of hot hello, A plate of crispy wishes, 
a spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success Specially 4 U. .. 
Wish a very very HAPPY jhilimili tiHaR.

It is time to feel good, time 4 reunion, 
time 2 share happiness, time to feel being loved, 
time 2 show ur love, time 2 live for others and time to wish for peace. 
HAPPY DIWALI. cheeeeeers.

Wishing u a wonderful SUPER-DUPER, 
Zabardast, jhilimili, Xtra special ekdum mast n ekdum happy, 
bole to ekdum jhakaas … HAPPY DEEPAWALI 

BhaiTika Best Blessing Special SMS

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May ur happiness b as big as Ganeshji’s ear, 
ur problem b as tiny as his mouse, 
ur LIFE b as long as his trunk n moments b as sweet as his Laddu.

No sweet thoughs 2 forward No cute graphics to send, 
Just a CARING HEART SAYing HAPPY DIWALI. (((((((dyanng))))))

Specially for you- *BUMPER DIWALI OFFER* send me a beautiful sms & win: 

25 Lacs ki car ka photo.

29″ TV ka BOX.

Dubai jane wale plane ko TATA karne ka mauka.

Dharhara se jump karne ka do FREE TICKETS. aur

mere saath FREE DINNER wo v Aap ke ghar me. 


Special Tihar Festival SMS

Let every joy ask LIGHT from u, 
Let every LIGHT ask LIFE from U, 
Let ur life b filled with immense LIGHT that even the sun ask LIGHT from U. 

It is time to feel good, time 4 reunion, time 2 share happiness, 
time to feel being loved, time 2 show ur love, 
time 2 live for others and time to wish for peace. 
HAPPY DIWALI. cheeeeeers.

Wishing u a wonderful SUPER-DUPER, 
Zabardast, jhilimili, Xtra special ekdum mast n ekdum happy, 
bole to ekdum jhakaas … HAPPY DEEPAWALI.

This SMS will Xplode in 5 Secs.
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With gleam of Diyas
And the Echo of the Chants
May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your life
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!!

BhaiTika Tihar Special SMS

On this auspicious occasion, I wish the color, bliss and beauty Of this festival Be with you throughout the year!Happy Tihar!!

May ur happiness b as big as Ganeshji’s ear, ur problem b as tiny as his mouse, ur LIFE b as long as his trunk n moments b as sweet as his Laddu. HAPPY COLORFUL TIHAR.

Troubles as light as Air,
love as deep as Ocean,
Friends as Solid as Diamonds,
and Success as bright as Gold…
These are the wishes for you and your family on the eve of Diwali. Happy Tihar

50 Anniversary Quotes For Husband | Nepali Anniversary Quotes

For this, is a special time when family
And frens get together,for fun.
Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days,
In this festive season of diwali and always!!!!!!!!
Happy Deepavali

Tihar Ko Subhakamana | Best Nepali Tihar Wishes | BhaiTika Special SMS

Wishing u a wonderful SUPER-DUPER,Zabardast,jhilimili,Xtra special ekdum mast n ekdum happy,bole to ekdum jhakaas?HAPPY DEEPAWALI.

Let every joy ask LIGHT from u, Let every LIGHT ask LIFE from U, Let ur life b filled with immense LIGHT that even the sun ask LIGHT from U.HAVE A COLORFUL TIHAR.

Special Tihar Blessing SMS

Ghar ma Laxmi ko baas hos,
Satruko naas hos,
Harek kamana fulfil hos, 
beer ko barsat hos
Ani haatma 21 patti Taas hos.

Latest Tihar Ko Subhakamana

Sunaulo kadam ko sath aun laxmi je tapai ko dwar,
Sukha samridhi laun garnus mero suvakamana sweekar.
Happy Tihar Happy Tihar

40 Dashain Tihar SMS for Brother| Happy Dashain Tihar Brother

Deepak ko jyoti le har samay tapai ko jeevan ma kiran dewos,bas yehi cha suvakaman mero tapai lai,tihar ma tapai lai sabai khusi milos.
!!!happy tihar!!!

Tihar Funny Wishes

Suji ko Roti,pyaj ka Aachar, 
Surya Ko Kiran,Khushi ko Bahar, 
Chandra Ko Chandi, Tapai ko Pyar, 
Suvakamana tapai lai, Deepawali ko tihar

Har pal khusi rahos saathSadai muhar ma rahos tapai ko hasaien
Hamro tarfa bata tapai lai
Happy Depaawali

aadaro gayo raat ko saath
Naya behani ayo tihar ko saath
yes pal ma yo msg aayeko cha
deepali le timi ma khusi lowos,
yehi kamana msg ma chhayeko cha!

40 Anniversary Quotes For Husband | Nepali Anniversary Quotes

Maulawos jindagi makhamali sari,
Muskurawos khusi sayapatri sari,
Chamkiwos naam nidhar ko tika sari,
Akhanda rahos udeshya puja ko diyo sari.
Wishing you and your family HAPPY TIHAR .

Bhaitikar ko Suvakamana in Nepali


KaagTihar | KukurTihar | GaiTihar | LaxmiPuja | GovardhanPuja | BhaiTika

Maas ko Bara, mula ko AAchar,
Aunsi ko kalo ratma DEEyo ko bahar
Surya Ko Kiran, Khushi ko Bahar,
Suvakamana tapai lai HAPPY TIHAR

Vijaya Dashami Wishes SMS Quotes Ghatasthapana Wishes

aadaro gayo raat ko saath
Naya behani ayo tihar ko saath
yes pali ma yo msg aayeko cha
deepawali le timi ma khusi lerawos,
yehi kamana msg ma chhahiyeko cha

Dashain Tihar Subhakamana

Har pal khusi rahos saath
Sadai muhar ma rahos tapai ko hasaien
Hamro tarfa bata tapai lai
Happy Depaawali

Special Wishes for Tihar Bhaitika 2020 |Dashain Tihar SMS

Maas ko Bara, mula ko AAchar,
Aunsi ko kalo ratma DEEyo ko bahar
Surya Ko Kiran, Khushi ko Bahar,
Suvakamana tapai lai HAPPY TIHAR

Na dukha hos na takrar,,,,
Dui duna huncha char,,,,
Sabbai lai dherai dherai
Happy tihar

Latest Tihar Ko Subhakamana

Wishing you the best ever Diwali filled with lots of happiness, joy, fun, frolic and beautiful memories my dear sister. I wish you are able to achieve all your dreams and enjoy the best of success and glory in your life. Loads of wishes to you on Diwali. May God bless you!!!

Dear sister, I wish that your life is as sparkling as the lights of Diwali… Your life is blessed by Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi….You are blessed with great luck and new hope to add new happiness in your life. Sending best wishes to you on Diwali. Happy Diwali my baby sister!!!

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May Goddess Laxmi brings wealth and prosperity to you. May Lord Ganesha enlightens you and brings success to you this Diwali. Wishing you a very Happy Diwali my sweet little sister.

May your life gets illuminated with the divine light and your life gets filled with peace, happiness, success and prosperity. May you have the best year ahead. Happy Diwali sister.

Top 40 Tihar Ko Subhakamana | 40 Best Nepali Tihar Wishes | 40 BhaiTika Special SMS

I pray to God that you get the best of health, happiness and prosperity. May you get success in everything you do. Wishing you Happy Diwali with lots of fun, frolic and happiness.

My Diwali is incomplete without celebrating it with you, without fighting with you over presents and sweets…. To the most amazing sister, wishing a warm and cheerful Diwali my dear.

Dashain Tihar Subhakamana Facebook Status | Nepali Facebook Status

Bijaya Dashami ko Subhakamana | 40 Best Nepali Tihar Wishes | 40 BhaiTika Special SMS

Dashain Tihar Subhakamana |Best Nepali Tihar Wishes |BhaiTika Special SMS

My Diwali is incomplete without celebrating it with you, without fighting with you over presents and sweets…. To the most amazing sister, wishing a warm and cheerful Diwali my dear.

Vijayadashami Tihar Subhakamana | Best Nepali Tihar Wishes | BhaiTika Special SMS

Vijaya Dashain ko Subhakamana | Best Nepali Tihar Wishes | BhaiTika Special SMS

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Vijayadashami Tihar Subhakamana

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Vijayadashami Tihar Subhakamana

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Vijayadashami wishes

विजयादशमी, दशै शुभकामना, vijayadashami wishes, bijaya dashami ko subhakamana, dashain wishes, शुभकामना, बडा दशैं

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