NEB 2075 Result Published | NEB Result with Grade sheet | NEB Result 2075

Check NEB 2075  result from the official websites of the NEB and the many others websites too. We have listed the all the websites where you can check online with your mark-sheet with in a second. You should have your NEB admit card where you will find your symbol number and your date of birth while you filling the form.

Similarly, you can check the NEB results from the SMS too. For that you need to sent SMS with your symbol number and find out the results either you are pass or fail.

Check NEB 2075 Result Published Via Websites

Education Ministry

Canada Immigration Latest News

National Education Board

neb result 11

Examination Controller division class 10

Nepal TelecomSEE Result 2075 NTC NET

Check NEB 2075 Result Published Via SMS

You can also check your NEB Result 2075 from your mobile by sending SMS to:

  1. Nepal Telecom Customers NEB Result 2075

NEB <space> Type Symbol No. and sent SMS to 1601

  1. Janaki Technology Private Limited NEB Result 2075

    NEB <space> Type Symbol No. and sent SMS to 35001 from any networks.

  2. Easy Service Private Limited NEB Result 2075

    NEB <space> Type Symbol No. and sent SMS to 34949 from any networks.

  3. Aakash Tech Private Limited NEB Result 2075

    NEB <space> Type Symbol No. and sent SMS to 31003 from any networks.

Check NEB 2075 Result Published Via IVR Methods

NEB Result 2075 via IVR methods

Nepal Telecom Dial 1601 and follow the instruction.

Important Notes for NEB Students

Congratulation who were passed and they will get the certificate of transcript, migration, provisional after 10 days of the result published. You can find your certificate in Biratnagar, Janakpur, hetauda, Pokhara, Butwal, Nepalgunj, Dangadhi, and Kathmandu.

If you are not satisfy with your results then you can apply with RS 500 receipt and the website results in the main office of National Examination Board, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur with in 15 days from the result published.

If you see any mistakes in your certificate like wrong print of name, tears of certificate, wrong date of birth and any other mistakes then you can apply within 3 months of the result published.

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